Donnerstag, 16. April 2015

Simple setup: Spring with Boot, Maven and IntelliJ from scratch

There will never be enough tutorials about how to use Spring with an IDE. Here's another one in case of someone wants to know how to setup a development environment with IntelliJ. Especially the hot reloading features are very important and nobody wants to miss them. Here's how one can do it.

  1. Create a new maven project. Don't use archetypes.
  2. Edit the pom.xml file to use a parent from Spring Boot that does a lot of configuration for you.
  3. Also, the spring boot dependency has to be added to the pom.xml.
  4. The main application class is configured to enable auto configuration. For further information, one should read one of the thousands of Spring tutorials.
     public class Application {  
       public static void main(String[] args) {  
         ConfigurableApplicationContext ctx =, args);  
  5. Now you could add controllers and other stuff. And run the main class from your run configuration. In order to have an executable fat jar, you could use the maven assembly plugin (see one of my other posts). Class reloading with this run configuration should work out of the box.
  6. The convention seems to say one should place resources in src/main/resources/static. Placing an index.html in there will make it available via the applications root path. However, if you use src/main/webapp/ as your folder structure, you fulfill standard java web application convention and make Tomcat automatically recognizing your stuff. You then have to access your static content via /static/index.html or similar, or you can reconfigure your routes (not covered here).
  7. If you work on your static content, you want it to be reloaded automatically. However, this doesn't happen with the configuration so far. That's because of the fact that your static content will be copied into a working directory - changing the root files doesn't change their copies. There may be other ways, I successfully tried to use spring boot maven plugin.
  8. Executing the goal spring-boot:run in your IDE will now launch the application and automatically reload your content. Debugging with breakpoints and hot reloading your classes  seems to not work with this run configuration any more. But if you want to work on the backend of your application, you could run the main class like before.
If anyone knows a better way to setup a development environment, I would be curious about it, just tell me. Especially it would be nice to have only one run config for reloading static content and classes with breakpoints and stuff alltogether.

Samstag, 11. April 2015

Declerative Programming in Java With Dagger Dependency Injection

Most web developers got already used to working with Dependency Injection (DI), but other developers tend to avoid this topic in e.g. desktop applications. First of all: dependency injection does only mean that the inversion of control paradigm/pattern is used. As a consequence, domain objects don't get their dependencies (other objects, services etc.) by themselves, but have them injected (at construction time). This isn't necessarily done by a framework, the easiest way is to just have constructor arguments for all object fields. For example this
MyObject object = new MyOject(new Dependency());

class MyOject() {
  private Dependency dependency;
  MyObject(Dependency dependency) {
    this.dependency = dependency;
is better than this
MyObject object = new MyOject();

class MyOject() {
  private Dependency dependency;
  MyObject() {
    this.dependency = new Dependency();
because of some reasons. The most important reason is, that the second example doesn't support different implementations for the dependency. Imagine you want to do tests and mock a heavy database connection. Using interfaces in those situations and an injected implementation is recommended. Second, if you change something on the dependency class, you have to touch the intrinsics of the object class, which doesn't sound right, because you don't want to touch this class. 

After it's clear to use DI, one can go a step further. Instead of how our dependencies are solved, it would be nice to just say what dependencies we want to have: declerative programming. How they are solved is easy most of the time and handled later, even in a declerative manner.

So for Java SE applications, it's not trivial to chose the right framework for injection. For the platform standard CDI, an implementing library is needed. Other containers, like Google's Guava or Spring are rather heavyweight and provide a rich set of features. However, there's a new shooting star I dove into: Dagger. Promises to be simple and fast, because it's (optional) a compile time thing. And I can confirm that it's easy and nice.

For example how many times have you already used the Singleton pattern? With dagger, you can just annotate your class as a Singleton and the framework does everything else for you.
public class Config {
    public int WIDTH = 1280;
    public int HEIGHT = 720;

    public Config() {}
A small configuration for a renderer framework of mine. Can't get any simpler than this - only one odd @Inject constructor annotation I don't understand completely. To obtain the service, you declare the injection in the consuming class. For example a context class of the application.
public class Context {
    @Inject Config config;
The context class is not meant to provide access to the configuration. The configuration can be injected directly into all other classes as well.

There is a ton of other features and having some objets wired together automatically is great. But I already found a job that Dagger can not fullfill - something that is called assisted injection. The factory - for example for your game objects - can be injected into the context. You can inject something like a provider as well; this is an object that works like a factory but cannot take your parameters to construct them. While other frameworks may be used for injection of objets with partially managed fields, Dagger can't do it, maye can do it in the future.

Sonntag, 5. April 2015

Java + Maven: Use local dependencies with maven-assembly-plugin

Every now and then we come across dependencies that can't be found in a repository. While there is a simple way to tell maven how to use a local file as a dependency with there is one major issue. The maven-assembly-plugin will not copy your local libs into your fatjar. I found several ways to somehow tell maven how to handle maven/the maven-assembly-plugin that the provided dependencies should be asembled as well - one looks scarier than the other and none of them did what I wanted. To make it short: After I ripped out my hair several times trying to manage such... screwed needs, the most satisfying answer is probably: don't do it this way.

If there's no way to get your own dependency repo server, where you can put your lib (which should be the case most of the times you program small personal projects), then just place all dependencies somewhere in your repo and let other programmers do the rest for themselves. Sounds lame, can be pretty easy and simple: One should install the local dependency as a local dependency. This is the stadard way maven recommends and it is robust. Can be done with

This installs a given jar into your local maven repo. Minimal pain, minimal effort, works with (probably) all plugins, because it's a simple provided dependency.